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Sustainable Food Manufacturing: How Can Gegan Help Your Business Thrive?

3 min read

pile of hundreds of green and yellow fruits

We’re constantly bombarded by the horrors of food waste and how much of it is produced – and rightly so. A report by Defra estimates that the UK currently produces 9.5 million tonnes of food waste every year, which has associated emissions of 36 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. 

That’s pretty bloody atrocious, particularly when so many are struggling to feed themselves and their families. So, what can we do about it? 

At Gegan, we believe in tackling the problem at the source, which means manufacturing sustainably and minimising waste in the first place, rather than dealing with the consequences afterwards. Ready to learn how we do this? Let’s get started! 

Why are sustainable food manufacturing processes important? 

Before we dive into how we can help you to implement sustainable practices and create a thriving business, let’s first talk about why these processes are so important. 

The food manufacturing industry, notorious for its resource-intensive processes and mind-boggling waste production, is under scrutiny like never before. From excessive water usage to energy guzzling machinery, the traditional ways of food production are eating away at our planet’s resources faster than you can say “sustainability.” 

This means that embracing sustainable practices isn’t just a moral obligation; it’s a smart business move. Consumers are increasingly demanding products that are ethically and environmentally sound. That’s not just good for the planet; it’s a marketing home run. 

Can Gegan really help to make my business more sustainable? 

Short answer: yes, we can! If you’re interested in the long answer with all the how’s answered, keep reading. 

Dedicated account managers  

By assigning every single one of our clients an account manager, it means we learn the ins and outs of our clients’ businesses and can work with them to identify any waste hotspots within their operations.  

This means we can offer the best solutions for each individual business that will be the most effective for them and the planet. We’re talking reduced travel miles, environmentally friendly disposal options they may never have heard of and expert advice on how they can further reduce waste within their business.  

We go beyond recycling 

When people think of sustainability, recycling is the first thing that pops into their head. However, recycling in the traditional sense is not that effective in the food industry. Instead, we look at what we can do with the actual food waste and not just the packaging.  

This includes innovative solutions like sourcing local anaerobic digestion facilities, bio-diesel refineries and animal feed specialists. Waste is a commodity and rather than food being dumped to fester, it can actually be used to benefit your business and the environment. 

We have also begun looking into how we can ensure that food that remains safe to eat isn’t just ditched and actually helps to feed those who need it. A report by the Food Foundation showed that a total of 9.3 million adults experienced food insecurity in January 2023 – absolutely unacceptable in a world where we chuck out so much. 

It’s not about lining our own pockets 

We aim to provide a zero waste to landfill solution and use local facilities wherever possible to save you up to 40% on your business waste costs.  

The fact we’re actively helping you to reduce your waste output (when we’re a waste disposal company!) shows that we’re not in it for the profits. We’re not bumping prices or trying to push you towards solutions that are really only good for filling up our piggy banks. We genuinely care about looking after the environment in the most cost-effective way possible which is exactly what you can benefit from when you work with us.  

Boost your green credentials and your profits 

Reducing waste means less money down the drain – literally. It means optimising your energy usage, which translates to lower utility bills and a healthier bottom line. It means tapping into the growing market of eco-conscious consumers who are willing to pay a premium for products that align with their values. It means a competitive edge that sets you apart from the outdated, wasteful food giants in your industry.  

Plus, when you partner with Gegan, you get a thorough paper trail that tells you what happened to your waste in detail. We’re also licensed by the Environment Agency so you can be confident that our advice is legit AF. 

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We'll take away the stress of managing your waste management and recycling, giving you back the time to focus on running your business.

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